Whether you want to earn AOD certification with an in-class program or you prefer to handle AOD certification online, Sober College of Addiction Studies can help you reach your educational goals and you can finish in just a few months.
AOD Certification Options
There are actually many different types of certifications that you can earn in California. At Sober College, we can help you complete your educational requirements toward becoming a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) or a California Certified Prevention Specialist (CCPS).
Who Should Apply?
Anyone interested in helping others heal! Some of our students are in recovery, while others have been touched by addiction in other ways. Perhaps they have lost a friend or family member to addiction or maybe they have supported someone during recovery. Still others simply see that there is an addiction crisis in our country and just want to help.
Many of our students wonder if their educational level is a deterrent, but there are many options for anyone, as long as they have earned their high school diploma. We have many students that have not completed a college degree or a degree in behavior science or an allied mental health profession. This is truly a career for anyone, regardless of their level of education.
As an addiction counselor you will be handling many emotional and difficult situations, and this is a good career for someone with excellent people skills and communication skills, as well as someone who handles stressful situations well. There’s also quite a bit of paperwork associated with addiction counseling, so it’s crucial that you also have solid organizational skills and time-management skills.
When Should You Start?
Today! At Sober College of Addictions Studies, we offer rolling admissions, so you can start at any time. We have several different options, and you can finish our program in just six months.
We offer in-class instruction at our Los Angeles area campus. These classes meet just one weekend per month for six months. If you prefer to earn your AOD certification online or perhaps need AOD certification in San Diego or elsewhere in California, we have an online program, as well.
With our AOD certification online program, you actually have two options. The standard online coursework can be completed in six months, but we also offer a self-paced program that you can complete in just three months if you want.
With the self-paced program, you also have the option of taking up to 18 months to complete the program. So, if you schedule doesn’t quite allow you to finish up in six months, you can have a bit more time or you can finish it all very quickly, it’s up to you.
Not In California?
We offer CCAPP-approved curriculum as well as NAADAC-approved and IC&RC-approved education. This means that the education we provide also can be used to fulfill educational requirements for AOD certifications in many other states, including the following:
Arizona – We can help Arizona residents fulfill educational requirements to become a Certified Addiction Counselor or a CADC.
Connecticut – We can help you meet the education requirements necessary to earn your Certified Addiction Counselor Credential (CAC) or a Counselor in Training Credential (CIT).
Florida – We can help Florida residents fulfill educational requirements to become a Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC).
Georgia – Sober College can help you meet educational requirements to become a CADC I, a CADC II or a Certified Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (CAADC).
Missouri – We can help with several certifications in Missouri, including a CADC, a Certified Reciprocal Prevention Specialist (CRPS), a Missouri Advanced Certified Substance Use Prevention Professional (MACSAPP), a Recognized Associate Substance Use Counselor (RASAC I & RASAC II), a Certified Reciprocal Alcohol & Drug Counselor (CRADC), a Certified Reciprocal Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (CRAADC), and a Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional.
Ohio – We can help with three certifications in Ohio, including the Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist Assistant (OCPSA) and the Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist I and Ohio Prevention Specialist II.
Pennsylvania – Here we can help you earn educational units toward becoming a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC), Certified Associate Addiction Counselor (CAAC), Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional (CCJP), Associate Prevention Specialist (APS), or a Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS).
Texas – We can help with education for both an Alcohol Drug Counselor (ADC) and an Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (AADC) in Texas.
If you have questions or live in another state and want to see our online program can be used in your area.
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