According to The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, “3.8 million full time college students binge drink and/or abuse prescription and illegal drugs.”
College Campus Alcohol and Drug Abuse“Wasting the best and the brightest: substance abuse at Americas colleges and universities” is a new study from CASA which finds shocking statistics about college students across America who are drinking and abusing prescription and illegal drugs. And with more than four years of research, CASA has preformed the most extensive examination of substance abuse on the nation’s college campuses.
1.8 million full-time college students meet the medical criteria for substance abuse and dependence.
At Sober College we know that there is a constant need for treatment of college students. Our goal is to help students find a path to long-term recovery without having to put their education or development into adult hood on hold. Our extensive program includes on-site college courses from an accredited university, life skills integration, and a chance for students to find a community of other young adults struggling with the same issues.
Drug and Alcohol abuse on college campuses is very serious and can be detrimental to a young adults future. But, at Sober College, we help those students get out of the hole of addiction without putting their life on hold.
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