So, you have done it: you have completed your certification and you are now ready to interview for jobs. Interviewing for any position can be stressful, but you can prepare ahead of time by considering likely interview questions and how you may best answer them. We have put together a list of questions to consider and advice on how to make the best impression. Preparing for an Interview First and … [Read more...]
Substance Use Counselor vs Social Worker Careers
If you are interested in working with clients and their families through challenging life situations, social work or substance abuse counseling may be career paths you want to explore. Social work and counseling are both fields that have grown substantially in recent years. While there is substantial overlap between the two fields, there are several factors to consider when choosing which … [Read more...]
How to Help Your Son or Daughter Stop Smoking Pot
If you discover your child is using marijuana, you may be struggling with numerous emotions. From feeling upset about your child’s substance use to experiencing a sense of guilt regarding actions you could have taken, adolescent drug abuse is a reality many parents face. Due to perceptions regarding the safety of use and the movement to legalize marijuana, adolescents are increasingly at risk to … [Read more...]
How Can I Help My Son Stop Drinking?
Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances by young adults. For many adolescents, alcohol is the first substance they experiment with. Ease of access and legality make it incredibly easy to obtain. Even if your child is not old enough to buy alcohol for themselves, chances are they know someone who can or they have access to it in someone’s home. If you suspect your child is using … [Read more...]
Common Hiding Spots to Check if You Suspect Your Child is Using Drugs
If you suspect your child is using drugs, you may be tempted to find evidence. While you may be reluctant because it may feel like snooping, sometimes it is vital in helping your child. Identifying what substances they are using can help you determine what course of action to take and what resources to connect with in searching for treatment options. Teens can be innovative when it comes to … [Read more...]
For Parents: What is Your Role in Your Child’s Early Intervention & Recovery?
If your child is struggling with addiction, you may also be grappling with a tidal wave of emotions. Feeling unsure, confused, sad, or stressed is natural; it may make you question what you can do, or where you can go from here. For parents of children with addiction, some days may feel hopeless, but it is important to strategize and continue working towards getting your child help. Learn about … [Read more...]
How to Confront Your Child if You Suspect They’re Using Drugs
If you suspect your child is using drugs, it is usually because there are indicators that something is off. You may notice their grades are slipping, they are becoming more secretive, their behavior is worsening, or they are hanging out with the wrong crowd. They may be taking money from you, their physical appearance may be changing drastically, or maybe you have found concrete evidence of … [Read more...]
How to Tell if Someone is on Drugs by Their Eyes
If your child is experimenting with drugs or alcohol, they may be able to hide some of the signs from you, but their eyes can often reveal what they are doing. Substance use can have numerous effects on the eyes that cannot be easily concealed. From the size of their pupils to redness, their eyes can reveal what substances they may be using. Because drugs and alcohol affect neurotransmitters in … [Read more...]
Learn Street Names For Opiates To Help Determine If Your Child Is Using
Most people are familiar with the name of prescription drugs, but many of these medications have generic names, street names, and slang terms that are used to refer to them or how they are used. With all of these varying names, it can be difficult to know what your child may be using. Identifying what your child is using is key in understanding how to move forward with treatment options. … [Read more...]