E-cigarettes have grown in popularity especially among adolescents and teenagers.
The battery-operated devices look like cigarettes but do not burn tobacco. Instead, they use replaceable cartridges with flavors and liquid that contains nicotine. Many advocate the e-cigarettes are a healthy alternative that help smokers quit, but because they are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration, there are causes for concern. Parents worry that e-cigarettes could encourage teens to begin smoking.
Because they are a relatively new product, the long-term health effects and safety of the product are not entirely known. Without regulation, there is no standard for what the contents of e-cigarettes should be across brands and manufacturers. Many states have begun to put regulations in place to prohibit sales of e-cigarettes to minors.
E-cigarettes are currently facing many critics who are working towards developing laws to regulate the ways they are sold and marketed to the general public. More cause for concern is placed among the likelihood of other risky behaviors developing. Often, adolescents and teens that engage in smoking at young ages are more likely to experiment with other substances, such as alcohol.
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