When a loved one struggles with addiction, it can be difficult to get them to accept help. In many cases, family, friends, and loved ones may feel helpless, especially if the individual refuses to go to treatment. Hosting an intervention can help loved ones address the individual in a way that in non confrontational and, when done the right way, may help an individual understand that it is time … [Read more...]
Putting down the Controller: Signs of Video Game Addiction
With the evolution of technology, gaming has become a universal pastime that appeals to a diverse population. Whether it is online multiplayer games on a console or casual gameplay on a smartphone, almost anyone you come into contact with has played a “computer game.” Video games have created a new way to interact with one another and spend our time. Much like gambling, video games can cause … [Read more...]
The Dangers of Drinking Games
Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States. Because alcohol is legal, many assume that the dangers associated with use are minimal. People often use alcohol as a means of coping with social anxiety and as way to build relationships with others. While it is possible to consume alcohol in a safe manner, the reality is, many young adults engage in dangerous drinking … [Read more...]
Palcohol – Everything You Need to Know About Powdered Alcohol
A new product called “Palcohol” has been approved by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, garnering a great deal of attention from the media. More recently, a spokesman from the company released a statement that the approval was “issued in error”, but that hasn’t caused the conversation to die down. Palcohol is expected to hit shelves later this year. Palcohol is a new powdered … [Read more...]
Decriminalization of Marijuana in California May Increase Use & Acceptance
With the recent legalization of marijuana in several states, including Colorado and Washington, United States marijuana advocacy groups have taken steps to legalize recreational use of marijuana in other states—specifically California—by 2016. The Marijuana Policy Project is currently working to develop a measure similar to the one passed in Colorado three years ago, allowing marijuana to be … [Read more...]
Underage Drinking and Driving – How Young Teens Become Statistics
Underage drinking is a growing concern in the United States. Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance by young adults, used much more frequently than tobacco and other illicit drugs. It is estimated that more than 70 percent of teenagers will have consumed at least one alcoholic beverage by the time they reach 18 years of age, and approximately 50 percent will have consumed an alcoholic … [Read more...]
The Newest Synthetic Drug Flakka is Both Cheap and Dangerous
The new designer drug “flakka” is making headlines across the United States due to its intense side effects which include bouts of violence and vivid hallucinations. Flakka is even more potent and addictive than its predecessors, and its properties are similar to those of bath salts. The synthetic stimulant, also known as “gravel,” contains alpha-PVP, a synthetic cathinone which is also found in … [Read more...]
Life After Rehab – Get Back Into The Swing of Things
The treatment of addiction is an intricate process that may last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. After successfully completing a treatment program, returning to daily life may be difficult. While treatment programs equip individuals with life skills and coping mechanisms to aid their transition back into the real world, returning to familiar environments and people with a new outlook … [Read more...]
Alcohol Awareness Month – Tips to Talking with Your Child About Alcohol
In 1987, the NCADD designated April Alcohol Awareness Month in an effort to increase awareness and reduce stigmas surrounding alcoholism. Click here to view the full Alcohol Abuse Awareness Month Infographic. The theme for April 2015 is “For the Health of it: Early Education on Alcoholism and Addiction,” which will feature a number of events designed to educate the public—especially young … [Read more...]