Successfully completing a drug rehabilitation program is a major accomplishment. After all, sobriety is more than abstaining from drug and alcohol use. It also involves developing a new attitude and outlook on life and gaining new insights into self-esteem, self-realization and the behaviors and patterns that perpetuate substance abuse. The road to recovery does not end upon the completion of a … [Read more...]
Fishing for Change
Many of the activities Sober College clients participate in are designed to open their eyes to a new way of living. When lost in active addiction, it is very hard for most people to enjoy the things they once loved to do. Instead, drugs and alcohol become their sole priority in life, and any and all passions they once held dear are often lost. Fortunately, as we get further into our recovery and … [Read more...]
How to Find the Right Substance Use Counselor to Fit Your Needs
When recovering from drug and alcohol abuse, it is important to enlist the assistance of a substance abuse specialist to provide support and counseling. Drug abuse counselors work in a variety of facilities and primarily focus on identifying the influences that shaped the development of addiction while helping you progress in your recovery. Often, counselors utilize a variety of methods to create … [Read more...]
Climbing to New Heights
“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.” -Chris Jami On a weekly basis, Sober College clients are given the opportunity to indoor rock climb in order to challenge themselves physically and mentally. For many, rock climbing is a new experience that instills excitement and wonderment. First-time … [Read more...]
College Drinking Statistics & Help Guide
Recently, the Princeton Review published the “Top 20 Party Schools” and “Top 20 Sober Schools” in the nation. These lists provide insight into the unique pressures that young adult college students face, particularly when experiencing newfound independence, including facing an extreme desire to fit in. As a result, nearly all students are affected by college drinking, whether or not they actively … [Read more...]
Outpatient vs Inpatient Drug Rehab: Which Should You Choose?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) published a survey in 2007 stating that 23.2 million people in the United States, ages 12 and over, require some form of treatment for drug abuse. Drug addiction is a complex condition comprised of biological, behavioral and environmental factors. In order to provide the most effective treatment for drug addiction, it is important that an person’s care … [Read more...]
What to Look for When Researching Drug Rehab Centers
When addressing addiction, there are a plethora of drug treatment centers that provide a variety of benefits to individuals in need of help. With so many options, it can be an overwhelming task to assess the differences between programs and determine which option will best meet the needs of your loved one. While there are a number of factors to consider when choosing a long-term addiction … [Read more...]
Riding the Wave of Addiction and Recovery
A majority of addicts and alcoholics neglect their physical, mental and emotional health throughout their active addictions. As a result, clients often arrive at Sober College lacking any semblance of balance in each of these areas of their lives. But, we quickly learn in recovery that balance is a vital part of living a healthy and happy life. Without balance, we fall. The same basic principle … [Read more...]
Why a Drug Intervention May Not Be the Best Option
Confronting a loved one about drug and alcohol addiction can be a sensitive and difficult topic to address, but there are a number of ways to address addiction and help a friend or family member begin the journey towards achieving sobriety. For some, an intervention is an effective way to discuss addiction with loved ones and encourage them to accept help; however, in other cases, an intervention … [Read more...]