Drugs & Addiction
Substance abuse treatment is constantly evolving. With each new study comes new information about how addiction works and what the best methods of treatment are. Articles in this section detail the latest news and research surrounding substance abuse and addiction. When new information regarding addiction and treatment becomes available, treatment facilities are able to adapt and evolve to incorporate the most effective methods of treating addiction. …Read More With informative articles about drugs and addiction, loved ones are better able to identify the signs of addiction and find useful tips to help them correctly address it. Substance abuse can take many forms, and while it may be a result of many different factors, the signs and symptoms of abuse are often similar. As new information emerges about the long-term effects of substance abuse, treatment is constantly evolving in order to better suit the needs of those in recovery. With early detection, many of the long-term effects of addiction can be treated effectively. Show Less.
Addiction Counselor
September 21, 2023
Addiction Counselor Jobs: Tips For Navigating The Job Market
If you are just deciding to embark on a new career as an addiction counselor, you probably are more focused on completing your education than…
Continue ReadingAOD Certification
May 16, 2022
Drug and Alcohol Certification: 4 Steps You Need To Take
Careers in the field of drug and alcohol counseling are growing exponentially, and if you’ve ever imagined taking on a job where you can truly…
Continue ReadingAddiction Counselor
February 9, 2022
Addiction Counselor Jobs: How To Build A Resume
Hiring managers typically receive dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of resumes for a single job posting, and if you’ve found a few addiction counseling facilities where…
Continue ReadingAddiction Counselor
August 13, 2021
Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor: Jobs, Salary & More
Changing careers might seem daunting but at Sober College School of Addiction Studies, we make it easy for anyone to become a certified drug and…
Continue ReadingAddiction Studies
December 11, 2019
Addiction Specialist Careers: 7 Facts You Should Know
If you would like to become an addiction specialist, there are many career choices available. Before you select an option, it’s a good idea to…
Continue ReadingCADC Certification
September 13, 2019
Drug and Alcohol Certification: Help Others Heal
It is estimated that as many as 20 million Americans suffer from substance abuse addiction. While that’s a huge number, the good news is that…
Continue ReadingAlcohol Abuse and Addiction
June 5, 2018
How to Spot the Warning Signs of Drug Overdose
When a drug overdose occurs, it may be accidental or intentional. Someone can accidentally ingest something they should not have or may have taken too…
Continue ReadingAlcohol Abuse and Addiction
June 5, 2018
Abuse vs. Addiction: What’s the Difference?
While the terms “drug abuse” and “drug addiction” are often used interchangeably, there are several differences between the two. Substance abuse can often lead to…
Continue ReadingAlcohol Abuse and Addiction
May 30, 2018
What Drugs Show Up on a Drug Test
If you suspect your child is using drugs and is being dishonest about it, you may be looking for ways to find out the truth.…
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