Sober College is an innovative treatment center that specializes in the rehabilitation of young adults. Our unique perspective on treatment empowers young adults to regain control of their lives, find purpose and develop their happiness through a successful, sober life. One of the biggest challenges many young adults face is the transition from residential living back into everyday life. Rather than simply help young adults abstain from substance abuse and then discharge them, Sober College teaches young adult sobriety. WE provide our clients with a long-term treatment program that assists them in developing the tools and experiences they need to live sober and prevent relapse in the future.
Young Adult Sobriety | One of the Five Core Competencies
Sobriety has always been and continues to be the keystone of the Five Core Competency Model. The sobriety component of Sober College’s Five Core Competency program incorporates several different methods to help clients get and stay sober, including but not limited to:
Age-Specific Program
The problems and experiences that young adults face are unique to their age group and require a unique solution. Sober College only works with young adults age 18-26, creating an environment where our clients are surrounded by like-minded individuals who they relate to which makes learning to live life sober as a young adult that much easier.
More about our Age-Specific Programming.
Long-term programming
The National Institute of Drug and Alcohol Abuse states that a minimum commitment of 90 days in a residential treatment program gives those struggling with addiction, especially young adults, the greatest opportunity for success. Sober College offers a long-term treatment option that slowly helps young adults reenter the “real world” with the tools they need to live sober,happy and healthy.
More About the Levels of Care We Offer
Random Drug Testing
In order to address any underlying causes of addiction, such as diagnoses and undiagnosed mental health disorders, trauma, depressions etc, clients must first be free of all mood and mind altering substances. Clients at Sober College are drug tested randomly 3 to 4 times per week to ensure that they are not using drug or alcohol and that the community is a safe place for all clients.
Tour Our Drug Rehab Facilities
The California Community
There are over 3,000 12-step meetings a week in the Los Angeles area including a plethora of young people meetings. This shows clients that other young people, in the real world, are getting and staying sober and enjoying life. Clients at Sober College attend young people’s conventions, young people’s 12-step meetings and are encouraged to get a sponsor and begin working the 12-steps. …Read More Southern California is home to the largest number of young adult recovery groups in the country, making it an ideal place for Sober College and for our clients. There are over 3,000 12-step meetings a week in the Los Angeles area including a plethora of young people meetings. This shows clients that other young people, in the real world, are getting and staying sober and enjoying life. Clients at Sober College attend young people’s conventions, young people’s 12-step meetings and are encouraged to get a sponsor and begin working the 12-steps. With a large sober community, clients will find a new sense of belonging among others who have faced similar challenges and overcame them. Clients take part in 12 Step Meetings, volunteer and get involved in the community to give them a new perspective on life.In addition to involvement in the sober community, clients of Sober College are urged to acquire a sponsor to serve as an additional resource in early recovery. Sponsors serve as role models and friends to clients, assisting them in meeting helpful, inspiring people to help them throughout their journey. Sponsors also help young adults develop their relationship-building skills by mending existing relationships and develop new ones. Show Less.
Treating Young Adults Specific Needs
The experiences of young adults today differ greatly from those of previous generations and require special attention in treatment. Young adults today grow up with influences from popular media that glamorize drug and alcohol abuse and portray it as a necessity to happiness. In a world that allows every action to be publicized online, it is easy to fall into the belief that everyone is doing it. Many clients of Sober College have used drugs and alcohol to have fun and relate to their peers. Our age-specific treatment program allows young adults to recover from addiction with others who face similar challenges and experiences, making it easier for clients to trust and relate to one another. …Read More Providing young adults with a safe place and like-minded peers is only one facet of our unique treatment model. In addition to helping young adults achieve sobriety, Sober College seeks to introduce young adults to a wide variety of new activities, showing them life can be more enjoyable when experiencing it sober. In southern California, clients have the world at their feet with access to an unlimited number of exciting activities. No matter what may peak one’s interest, Sober College encourages young adults to explore and find what reinvigorates their passion and interests. Show Less.
Clients have access to a wide variety of activities, including:
- Rock Climbing
- Museums
- Hiking
- Art Shows
- Wind Tunnel
- Deep Sea Fishing
- Dances
- Whale Watching
- Amusement Parks
- Horseback Riding
- Surfing
- Beaches
- Sporting Events
- Festivals
- Snowboarding
- Cliff Jumping
- Concerts
- Skydiving
- Go-Carting
- Skiing
Sobriety: Physical & Emotional
The recovery process is more than just the physical act of abstaining from substance abuse, but is also an emotional journey as well. Introduction to new activities not only provides young adults with new hobbies to fill time previously utilized for substance abuse, but also allows them to develop their emotional intelligence. …Read More Emotional intelligence encompasses multiple facets of emotional health and includes self-control, empathy, self-understanding and development of relationships. Many of our activities are designed to engage young adults on multiple levels, even if they do not realize it. The wide variety of activities offered, both challenge young adults and allow them to experience a sense of accomplishment. Clients are regularly involved in activities that are not only fun, but also evoke emotional responses that young adults can analyze together afterwards. This practice allows fun to be a therapeutic experience as well. The lessons learned in this environment directly translate to emotional responses in other areas of life and teach young adults healthy coping mechanisms for stressful events and interactions. Rather than utilizing drugs and alcohol to deal with stress, Clients develop the ability to manage their emotions in a healthy way. Show Less.