Opioid addiction often requires medication-assisted treatment in order to improve the success of withdrawal and jump-start the recovery process. Methadone is one of several medications available that can help people stop using opiates. However, it also has its own addiction risks, problems, and withdrawal symptoms. Methadone is an opioid itself, but it works by reducing physical withdrawal … [Read more...]
For Parents: How to Cope with Guilt & Shame About Your Child’s Addiction
In many ways, a parent’s actions can have a profound impact on a child’s development and who they ultimately become as they grow older, but not everything is inherently in a parent’s hands. Raising a child in itself can be a guilt-rendering experience. From even early years, parents may struggle with feeling guilt over their child’s struggles. If they fall and hurt themselves or if they struggle … [Read more...]
Signs Your Child is Smoking Pot
Marijuana is often one of the first substances a person experiments with. Weed is one of the most accessible drugs today and with a changing legal status, the drug is easier to acquire than ever before. Like any substance, use of weed has the potential to lead to dependency and addiction. While many discussions about marijuana use intend to paint a positive picture, marijuana largely remains a … [Read more...]
How to Hire a Professional Interventionist for Your Child
When your child’s addiction is spiraling out of control, an intervention may be the next best step to take in getting your child to accept the help they need. If you have determined that an intervention is right for your child, knowing where to start may be difficult. After all, there are countless resources available – it can be difficult to determine who or what is best for your child’s care. … [Read more...]
Lawsuits Against Purdue Pharma
Pharmaceutical companies are beginning to experience backlash amid skyrocketing rates of opioid abuse across the country. Purdue Pharma, one of the best-known companies in the prescription painkiller market, has recently announced they would stop marketing opioid medication to doctors. This move comes in response to numerous lawsuits putting blame on the company for contributing to the current … [Read more...]
Destigmatizing Substance Abuse
The discussion around substance abuse has always been polarizing. While many fight to change the conversation into a dialogue about the way in which addiction is a disease, many still believe that substance abuse is a moral choice. This belief stems from a misunderstanding about the way in which substance abuse changes the way the mind and body function. Rather than understanding the crippling … [Read more...]
Starting the Conversation & Talking About Mental Health
Many who struggle with substance abuse also battle with mental health issues as well. This is not limited to mental health disorders, but also the mental and emotional state of a person in their everyday lives. Their ability to cope stressors, negative situations, and other factors that contribute to a person’s ability to live a happy and productive life often plays a role in the development of … [Read more...]
Apps that Help with Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental health conditions are becoming more prevalent, or more often diagnosed, across the United States. Studies suggest that approximately 48.3 Americans are affected by a mental health condition to some extent. These conditions can have numerous side effects that may impact a person’s ability to function in everyday life. While there are some things that can be done to improve mental health … [Read more...]
Prescription Drug Monitoring Systems | What Are They All About?
Prescription drug abuse is at an all-time high, and with the current opioid epidemic which took the lives of 63,000 people in 2016, many are questioning what is being done to combat this issue. Long before opioid abuse made headlines, many states had developed and implemented tracking systems for doctors and pharmacists to check a patient’s use of prescription medication, but relatively few took … [Read more...]