As the definition of addiction has evolved, so have the methods by which it is treated. Every year, millions of people enter rehab for addiction, and as prescription drug abuse skyrockets out of control, the number of people in need of treatment continues to grow. While different addictions may appear similar to an outsider, the way in which substances affect the body differ. This is especially … [Read more...]
Drug Rehab Wait Lists; Causing More Harm than Good?
The need for addiction treatment is rising. As the opioid abuse epidemic spirals out of control, there is an increasing demand for rehab services, especially for those who are addicted to painkillers and heroin. The increase in number of people struggling with addiction has created numerous adverse effects, including overcrowded treatment centers that are unable to meet growing demands resulting … [Read more...]
The Misconception behind “Gateway Drugs”
There have been extensive debates surrounding the idea of “gateway drugs” and their role in the development of addiction. Many suggest this idea is a myth and use of specific substances does not automatically mean that someone will later become addicted to hard drugs. While this is obviously not true for everyone, research does suggest that early use of certain substances often leads to the … [Read more...]
Role Reversal: How to Deal with Parents Suffering from Addiction
Millions of Americans struggle with drug addiction, which is often accompanied by negative repercussions for both the user and their loved ones. Addiction wears many faces, and sometimes those who struggle with addiction may be parents. Addicted parents or those struggling with substance abuse problems can negatively impact their children’s lives inadvertently, even when steps are taken to avoid … [Read more...]
Convenience Could Kill: The Problem with Alcohol Delivery Services
The introduction of alcohol delivery services sounds like a promising idea—delivering alcohol to a person’s home should reduce the number of alcohol-related car crashes, and many may welcome this as a fun and innovative idea. In truth, alcohol is one of the most dangerous legal substances in the United States and even with measures to prevent the sale of alcohol to minors, it is difficult to … [Read more...]
Why are Drug Overdose Deaths on the Rise?
Drug overdose deaths are a growing problem in the United States and across the globe. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 47,055 people died from drug overdoses in 2014—One and a half times more people than were killed in car crashes. These alarming statistics are largely due to the dramatic increase in prescription drug abuse, specifically opioids such as morphine, codeine, and … [Read more...]
Everything you need to know about W-18
One of the most commonly abused types of prescription drugs are painkillers. Because they are so addictive, manufacturers began to develop new painkillers that they thought would be less likely to be abused. The drug labeled W-18 was developed in the 1980s at the University of Alberta and was intended to revolutionize the way pain was managed; however, it was never picked up because the synthetic … [Read more...]
No Fun in the Sun: Why Teen Drug Use Rises in Summer
Summer is a season most teens look forward to. With no school and an excess of free time, adolescents fondly anticipate warm summer days and spending more time with friends. While the break from academic responsibility is more than welcomed, the summer months are often accompanied by a rise in teen drug use. Studies show that during the months of June and July, teens are more likely to begin … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Know About Dual Diagnosis
This Mental Health Awareness Month we wanted to shed some light on dual-diagnosis & co-occurring disorders so you, your coworkers and your friends are able to help those who may need it. If you have question about dual-diagnosis treatment for yourself or a loved one Share this Image On Your Site <p><strong>Please include attribution to with this … [Read more...]