The severity of substance abuse coupled with the effects on both body and brain cause health risks to be vast and detrimental. Each drug group poses its own risks and problems; however, some health problems caused by substance abuse are predominate in a majority of categories. These risks include cardiovascular and lung disease, stroke and cancer. Depending on the type of intake, some put … [Read more...]
Life Skills: Holiday Activities Helping Young Adults Live Life Sober
“The sober fun our young adults are experiencing while in treatment is not just sober fun, it is life skills training on a larger scale. Our young adults are learning first hand that anything they used to do when they were in active addiction, they can also do sober.” Last Thursday and through out the holiday weekend, Sober College students, like other college students, were on Thanksgiving … [Read more...]
College Campus Alcohol and Drug Abuse
According to The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, "3.8 million full time college students binge drink and/or abuse prescription and illegal drugs." College Campus Alcohol and Drug Abuse“Wasting the best and the brightest: substance abuse at Americas colleges and universities” is a new study from CASA which finds shocking statistics about college students … [Read more...]
The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Academic Life
Drug and alcohol use on college campuses is universal. Students articulate many reasons why they do it, but most neglect to consider both the long-term consequences of their actions. How wide-spread is drug and alcohol abuse? Teenagers today admit to extensive experimentation. According to one study, 90 percent of teens said that they have used alcohol, over 50 percent have used marijuana, 17 … [Read more...]