As the definition of addiction has evolved, so have the methods by which it is treated. Every year, millions of people enter rehab for addiction, and as prescription drug abuse skyrockets out of control, the number of people in need of treatment continues to grow. While different addictions may appear similar to an outsider, the way in which substances affect the body differ. This is especially true when considering the individual factors that contribute to the development of abuse, the severity of it, and the way in which it is treated. Each person has a unique set of influences—from personal history to co-occurring disorders—that contribute to the development of abuse thus making personalized treatment for addiction vital. Biological, social, and environmental factors are variables that are at the root addiction, and the variability of these factors between people is important to consider. Recognizing the unique struggles of each person in treatment can help ensure clients receive quality care designed to address those needs.
Personalized Treatment for Addiction
Addiction can develop for any number of reasons. For some, genetic predisposition plays a significant role, while for others, the inability to cope with stress or negative social situations leads them to use drugs or alcohol to ease discomfort. In some cases, people begin experimenting with substances and gradually become dependent on more dangerous substances, while others grow to depend on drugs or alcohol in order to endure symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders or physical disabilities. These reasons vary greatly, and the weight they carry in treatment is heavy. Due to varying circumstances, it would not make sense to treat individuals with the same methods when the influences on their dependencies vary so dramatically.
Because of these varying factors, it is impossible to create a one-size-fits-all treatment program that will be equally effective for everyone. Rather than trying to create a standard form of treatment, many rehabs offer individualized care for clients. After an initial assessment, the treatment team can accurately assess a client’s needs in recovery and create an individualized plan designed to address those needs. As treatment progresses, the plan can be altered to match the changing needs of clients. While many treatment programs utilize group therapies and other overarching themes throughout the recovery process, there are still options to individualize care through one-on-one sessions.
What Is A Substance Abuse Counselor?
Individualized therapy sessions can be customized to address any combination of needs. Whether a client requires education, family counseling, or a specific form of group therapy designed to address a unique need, recovery is more successful when these options are available.
Varying Treatment Options
Aside from individual therapeutic needs, clients may have different needs in terms of the withdrawal process, the duration of rehab, and aftercare services. While many clients will begin on a similar path, there are a variety of rehab centers with varying levels of intensity and duration that may be better suited to a client’s individual circumstances. Most clients will undergo a form of detox prior to entering treatment, but once they have completed that phase, the next step can differ greatly.
After a medical and psychiatric evaluation, treatment professionals can determine whether a client requires residential treatment or outpatient services. Not all clients can attend residential treatment programs due to work, school, family, or financial obligations, making outpatient treatment a viable solution. Both forms of treatment are highly individualized, but vary in their time requirements and structure. For some clients, residential treatment is a necessity because they need to be removed from enabling peers and environments and focus solely on recovery, while for others, outpatient treatment can be incorporated into their everyday life.
Other factors can determine if a more specialized route is required. Age-specific treatment, therapies designed to address gender, sexuality, race, and other variables can be incredibly beneficial. Some experiences that influence substance abuse may be unique to these subsets of clients. Creating a safe space to discuss sensitive issues can be incredibly beneficial for individuals in recovery. By addressing these individual experiences, recovery can be tailored to address the unique needs of each client and improve the outcome and effectiveness of treatment.
Is someone in your family struggling with addiction?
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