Addiction is a hot topic for discussion and it’s ripe with misinformation and myths. It is a highly charged topic and many tend to have strong opinions about it, even if it has not affected them personally. These myths create stigmas about substance abuse that make it difficult for people to seek help. Common misconceptions about addiction and the character of a person can make it difficult for … [Read more...]
Challenges for Young Adults in Addiction Treatment
Addiction recovery is a difficult process for anyone, but young adults face a unique set of challenges that can make the process more daunting. Young adults are in a unique phase of life. In addition to the numerous biological changes they’re experiencing, they often are embarking on their own in the world for the first time. All of these changes happening simultaneously can be both overwhelming … [Read more...]
Acupuncture as an Alternative to Opioids
Opioid addiction is one of the fastest growing epidemics in the United States. Pain medications are prescribed at alarmingly high rates, for anything from a dental procedure to a major surgery or chronic illness. While opioids tend to be safe when taken as prescribed by the person for whom they are intended, it is incredibly easy to develop dependencies that make them difficult to stop using. The … [Read more...]
Benefits of an Intervention | How to Prepare for an Intervention
When a loved one struggles with addiction, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Addiction is a powerful disease that consumes a person’s life. It affects them physically, mentally, and emotionally, and often negatively impacts those closest to them. Thus, addiction is often seen as a disease that causes a variety of dysfunctions, and treatment is often required for those closest to the … [Read more...]
Healing the Body With Food: Nutritional & Diet Tips for Addicts in Recovery
Nutrition programs are rapidly gaining popularity in treatment programs because of their ability to positively impact recovery. Diet and nutrition have an enormous impact on overall health. The connection between the two has affected the way many conditions are treated, including addiction. While nutrition is generally not the main focus in early recovery for those working to overcome addiction, … [Read more...]
Why Long-Term Rehab Works (and Short-Term Rehab Doesn’t)
Addiction is a chronic condition, and successfully overcoming it often requires intervention and professional help. Rehab facilities offer numerous options for those in need of treatment, and these range in setting and duration depending on individual needs. Although there are short-term rehab options (28 or 30 days) that entice many due to their cheaper costs and shorter duration, they are … [Read more...]
Warning Signs for Parents as Kids Go Back to School | Signs of Teen Drug Abuse
Teenagers and young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 are at a heightened risk for addiction. As they head into a new school year, many students feel anxiety for a variety of reasons. A new school year provides adolescents with the opportunity to meet new people and define their own identities. For some, the desire to fit in can push them to try drugs or alcohol as a means of easing nerves. … [Read more...]
Dealing with Depression in Addiction Recovery
While everyone has bad days, for most, that feeling eventually goes away. Relationships, work, and stressful situations can cause many to feel sad for a period of time. These feelings are normal and can come and go and can often times be remedied with activities that bring feelings of happiness. But for some, feelings of sadness do not easily go away. Depression is a mental health disorder that is … [Read more...]
Women in Recovery | Why Choose Gender-Specific Treatment?
Individualized treatment is crucial to successful recovery. When treatment is designed to address each individual’s needs, it tends to more effectively address the underlying issues that contribute to continued abuse. For women, context is key to successful treatment. Issues involving family, relationships, support, gender, culture, and social or economic experiences play a substantial role in the … [Read more...]