For those who struggle with alcohol or have loved ones that do, the idea of any consumption of alcohol can produce strong responses. Family members and loved ones may strongly oppose any alcohol consumption regardless of the circumstances, while someone who has struggled with it may battle the idea of “just having one” versus none at all. After struggling with alcohol abuse and dependency, the … [Read more...]
The Rise of Addiction in White America
Addiction is a disease that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. There are numerous factors that play a role in the development of addiction including environment, genetic predisposition, family history, and mental health issues. In pop culture and mainstream media, addiction is often painted as an affliction that primarily affects people of color … [Read more...]
Do College Students Studying Abroad Drink More Alcohol?
College is a time for exploration, development, and independence, but it is also frequently associated with alcohol consumption, partying, and experimentation. Many college students drink alcohol, using it as a way to have fun, connect with others, or relax. However, alcohol can easily become a crutch and many rely on it to the point of dependency and addiction. Many students in college jump at … [Read more...]
How Far is Addiction Hereditary?
It has long been debated whether or not addiction is hereditary. The “nature versus nurture” argument has circulated for years with many questioning why some people get addicted to drugs and alcohol while others do not. Although the term “nurture” does not necessarily apply to adults who live apart from their families, it can be used to describe the environmental factors that influence the … [Read more...]
The Politics of Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is often discussed during presidential campaigns. It is a polarizing topic with different opinions across the board. Each of the potential candidates has a unique platform and proposal for handling drug addiction in the United States. Addiction in the United States has long been treated as a crime and is often stigmatized. Many do not seek help for addiction due to lack of … [Read more...]
The True Cost of Drug Addiction
Drug addiction takes a dramatic toll on addicts as well as those around them. Addiction can manifest in many forms, and whether it is gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or shopping, it comes with its own set of negative consequences. Addiction can have a profound, long-lasting effect on anyone, taking everything from the addict and their loved ones with nothing positive returned. Even when an … [Read more...]
Spotlight on: Teen Drug Use in 2016
In a recent study published by the University of Michigan, rates of substance abuse among teens have shown positive changes in rates of abuse among certain drugs. Use of several substances including ecstasy (MDMA), heroin, and synthetic marijuana has declined, and alcohol and cigarette use has reached new lows. Although these are promising trends, rates of prescription drug abuse and marijuana … [Read more...]
The E-Cigarette Smokescreen: What’s the Truth about Smoking Aids?
Electronic cigarettes have substantially grown in popularity over the past few years. Marketed as a safe alternative to actual cigarettes, many are putting down traditional cigarettes in favor of the high-tech devices. Although there is not yet enough research available on the safety of the devices, their popularity has not been tempered. It is estimated that the number of teens and adolescents … [Read more...]
Treating the Teen Prescription Drug Plague
Prescription drug abuse is on the rise throughout the United States, and teens continue to be the most affected. It is estimated that each day about 2,500 teens try a prescription pain reliever recreationally for the first time. Prescription drugs are more readily available than ever before. If a person does not have a prescription for a medication, they more than likely have a friend or family … [Read more...]