In a recent study published by the University of Michigan, rates of substance abuse among teens have shown positive changes in rates of abuse among certain drugs. Use of several substances including ecstasy (MDMA), heroin, and synthetic marijuana has declined, and alcohol and cigarette use has reached new lows. Although these are promising trends, rates of prescription drug abuse and marijuana … [Read more...]
The E-Cigarette Smokescreen: What’s the Truth about Smoking Aids?
Electronic cigarettes have substantially grown in popularity over the past few years. Marketed as a safe alternative to actual cigarettes, many are putting down traditional cigarettes in favor of the high-tech devices. Although there is not yet enough research available on the safety of the devices, their popularity has not been tempered. It is estimated that the number of teens and adolescents … [Read more...]
Treating the Teen Prescription Drug Plague
Prescription drug abuse is on the rise throughout the United States, and teens continue to be the most affected. It is estimated that each day about 2,500 teens try a prescription pain reliever recreationally for the first time. Prescription drugs are more readily available than ever before. If a person does not have a prescription for a medication, they more than likely have a friend or family … [Read more...]
Florida’s 5 Year Clamp Down on the Pill Mill Epidemic
Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem across the United States. Increased accessibility has made prescription medication a gateway drug for many, leading some to begin abusing more illicit substances in order to achieve a greater high. In 2014, deaths attributed to drug overdose—primarily opioid painkillers and heroin—skyrocketed to 47,000, according to the National Center for Health … [Read more...]
What Scott Weiland’s Death can tell us about Drug Addiction
The news has been inundated with tragic stories of celebrity addiction gone wrong, and each one leaves us asking questions: How do these celebrities get to this point and what can be done to help? Scott Weiland, best known as the lead singer of the band Stone Temple Pilots, is the most recent celebrity to pass tragically after a long battle with addiction. He is the last in a string of losses … [Read more...]
Can Magnets Help Kick Cocaine Abuse?
While there are countless treatment programs that help people overcome addiction, many believe it is not enough to simply quit using drugs or alcohol. This belief has caused many treatment centers to rethink their approach to rehab and incorporate a more holistic approach to addiction treatment. While overcoming physical addiction is the main priority, establishing life skills and healthy coping … [Read more...]
Out of Control: The Epidemic of Heroin in New Hampshire
The state of New Hampshire is currently facing an unlikely epidemic—heroin abuse and addiction has skyrocketed in recent years. But this problem is not unique to New Hampshire alone. Across the United States, more overdoses are attributed to opioid abuse than ever before. In recent years, New Hampshire’s drug epidemic has reached dramatic highs, with more than 400 drug-related deaths reported in … [Read more...]
Just One Click: The State of Benzodiazepines and Online Sales
Prescription drug abuse is one of the fasting growing problems in the United States and across the globe. As more prescriptions are written for a wide variety of conditions, their presence in many households is becoming increasingly common. Even if a person does not have a prescription, they likely have a friend, family member, or acquaintance with access to prescription drugs. The ease of access … [Read more...]
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Facts You Should Know Infographic | Facts Week 2016
Some people today still don’t comprehend how bad the drug abuse epidemic has become. There are so many ways that drugs have ruined so many different people’s lives. It is a problem in every geographical area—in every type of family. Why are many people still blaming the addict? Not everybody understands that addiction is a brain disease and most addicts don’t have control over their addiction … [Read more...]