Many drugs are referred to by any number of street names to create confusion, divert attention and avoid the suspicion of friends, family and law enforcement.
While some street names are more commonly known, there are a number of obscure names that have not made their way into common vocabulary. Although it is nearly impossible to know all of the names of illicit substances, familiarity with more common names can be incredibly useful, especially if you suspect a loved one is experimenting. Below is a listing of common drugs and many of their street names.
- Marijuana — Marijuana has a variety of street names. Some refer to the way in which the drug is used. Marijuana can be smoked or ingested and causes feelings of euphoria, paranoia, anxiety and increased appetite. Common street names include: pot, weed, bud, green, trees, blunt, Mary Jane, ganja, roach, skunk, reefer, grass and chronic. Some may use phrases like “mow the grass”, “fire it up”, or “toke” when referring to use of this drug.
- Heroin — Heroin has a variety of street names, including some that are shared with marijuana. Heroin can be smoked, snorted or injected and causes symptoms such as slurred speech, dry mouth, impaired vision, heavy extremities and severe itching. Common street names include: smack, tar, mud, skunk, brown sugar, junk, black tar, dope, white lady, mud and H. Those using Heroin may use phrases like “chasing the dragon”, “dip and dab”, or “jolly pop.”
- Cocaine — Cocaine’s street names often refer to its appearance. It is often found in a white powder form or in the form of small rock crystals. Cocaine may be snorted, injected or inhaled and can cause a number of effects such as irritability, restlessness, paranoia and cardiac arrest. Common street names include: snow, rock, blow, coke, hardball, sugar, gravel, blast, monster and white powder.
- Methamphetamine — Meth is smoked, inhaled or injected and causes an irregular heartbeat, paranoia, confusion, insomnia and mood disturbances. Common street names include: crank, meth, chalk, crystal, junk, speed, Christina, LA ice and gak. Some may use words like “tweaked”, “fried”, and “speed freak” when referring to meth usage.
- Inhalants — Inhalants may be a number of readily available items that can be abused, including paint thinners, gasses and nitrates. They may cause nausea, vomiting, headaches and slurred speech. Common street names include: laughing gas, poppers, air blast, whiteout, huff and medusa.
- LSD — LSD is available in tablet or liquid form and may be added to absorbent paper. LSD, like other hallucinogens, causes a variety of unpredictable effects including delusions, hallucinations and paranoia. Common street names include: acid, blotter, golden dragon, superman, black star, ying yang and yellow sunshine.
- MDMA — MDMA is commonly known as ecstasy or molly and is often snorted or ingested. It is a powerful psychoactive drug that causes feelings of euphoria, paranoia and sensitivity to touch. Common street names include: X, E, love drug, skittles, thizz, happy pill, sweets, Scooby snacks and Adam. Some may use terms such as “thizzing”, “rolling” or “raving” to refer to MDMA use.
- Rohypnol — Rohypnol is a powerful tranquilizer that is ingested, smoked, injected or dissolved in liquid. The drug causes loss of muscle control, confusion, drowsiness and amnesia. Common street names include: date rape drug, forget-me pill, roofies, rope, ruffles, R2, wolfies and roche.
- Steroids — Steroids are performance-enhancing drugs that are taken orally, injected or used as a cream. The drug is used to increase muscle mass and energy. Side effects associated with use include acne, high blood pressure, aggression, greasy hair, jaundice and sleep disruptions. Common street names include: roids, juice, gym candy, hype, Arnolds, stackers, pumpers and weight trainers.
- Psilocybin — Psilocybin mushrooms are psychedelic drugs that are taken orally. Like other hallucinogens, psilocybin mushrooms can produce a number of effects include delusions and hallucinations. Common street names include: magic mushroom, Mexican mushroom, shrooms, musk, simple Simon and silly putty.
While this listing captures a large number of street names for some of the many drugs that may be abused, there are countless other street names being used and created for illicit substances. Awareness of the most commonly abused drugs’ names can help identify drug abuse of a loved one struggling with addiction.
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