Addiction therapy is constantly evolving to include new and innovative approaches to recovery. Pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy, is a relatively new form of treatment designed to build on pre-existing human-animal bonds. Interactions with animals have proven to help with many physical and mental issues. Therapy animals can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while … [Read more...]
Adderall Abuse in College
In recent years, college students have adopted the mantra "what happens in college stays in college." Unfortunately, what happens in college can sometimes be harmful, bordering on life-threatening. The 1960’s saw thousands of students were smoking pot. In the 70’s, heroin and LSD use became prevalent, followed by cocaine use until the turn of the century. More recently, Adderall abuse in college … [Read more...]
Top Tips to Effective Role Play Therapy
Role play exercises are used in everyday life. When preparing for an interview, a big presentation, or any other major event, people often practice ahead of time by running through potential scenarios. This practice allows people to feel more confident in their situation, reduces anxiety, and prepares a person to deal with difficult situations or questions. Role play therapy can be a big benefit … [Read more...]
Internet Addiction – Does it exist?
The Internet has made it easier than ever to shop, connect, and access information. Many use it as a way to maintain relationships with others and stay up-to-date on what is happening in the world around them. The Internet’s reach is so vast that in many cases, it is not necessary to even step outside in order to perform everyday tasks. Food can be delivered, shopping can be completed, and … [Read more...]
Why Prescription Stimulants are Abused in College Today
Substance abuse in college is not limited to alcohol and illegal drugs. In fact, some of the most widely abused drugs on college campuses can be legally obtained. Prescription drugs are readily available in most households and many students use stimulants to improve academic performance. One in five college students report having misused prescription stimulants at least once and over half … [Read more...]
College Depression: I thought college would be fun
College is often considered an exciting time during which students experience life on their own for the first time while preparing for their futures. College can often be when new friends are made, parties are had, and fun is around every corner; however, the reality is far different for some students. College is a particularly challenging point during one’s life. The same excitement surrounding … [Read more...]
Drunkorexia: Is It Real?
Alcohol consumption has become a major component of the college experience as documented through pop culture, social media, and other venues. While this may not be a reality for all students, the portrayal of American college life typically includes rampant alcohol consumption and abuse. A strange phenomenon occurs with alcohol consumption among college students. Alcohol has almost become an … [Read more...]
Johnny Manziel: A Tale of What Could Have Been
Johnny Football. Money Manziel. Only a few years ago, Johnny Manziel was on top of the world. He was the hottest commodity in the football world, maybe even the sports world. He dazzled crowds with his electrifying plays and struck fear into the hearts of opposing defenses. Johnny Manziel, like many before him, then failed at the professional level due to off-field issues—mainly his affairs with … [Read more...]
Deep Breaths; 5 Unique Ways to Manage Stress
Everyone experiences stress. Whether it is caused by a fight with someone, growing bills, or just feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities, stress can harm both physical and mental health. Stress is not inherently a bad thing; however, the way in which people cope with it can be. In fact, 54 percent of people in the United States are concerned about their levels of stress and not everyone … [Read more...]