As the holidays near, many families face a growing sense of apprehension. Although the holidays are meant to be happy, the reality is that this time of year is often stressful, thanks to financial concerns, travel, family dynamics and more. And for those struggling with addiction, the holidays present a slew of other concerns and problems for both the addict and his/her family. During this … [Read more...]
Music Therapy – Finding the Notes to Sobriety
Music is universally one of the most impactful influences in people’s lives. It influences emotions and moods and allows individuals to express themselves in a way that cannot be translated otherwise. Many reference the power of music and its influence in their daily lives and scientific evidence is beginning to support these claims. Music transcends gender, race, ethnicity and age and is … [Read more...]
Finding Grace and Hope Through Operation Gratitude
Sometimes – especially when things are going well – it’s easy to forget how fortunate we are. Throughout recovery, staying humble and grounded is vital to remaining sober. Hubris and overconfidence have taken many people out of the program. When we begin to feel an excessive amount of pride, we tend to throw caution to the wind. In honor of Veteran’s Day, Sober College clients were given the … [Read more...]
Biofeedback Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
Biofeedback therapy, also known as neurofeedback therapy, is a method of training the brain to function more efficiently. This therapy can be used for a number of disorders including sleep disorders, behavior disorders, anxiety and depression. This form of therapy is most often used by mental health professionals to teach patients mind-body awareness and control. Since many who suffer with … [Read more...]
Suboxone Treatment
Opioid addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. The “cold-turkey” approach to opioid addiction is not successful, with nearly 25 percent of patients relapsing within a year of quitting. Overcoming this addiction requires individuals to change their behaviors, thought processes and environments to be truly successful. Treatment options for opioid addiction can include the use … [Read more...]
Scoring Life Skills on the Soccer Field
When addicts and alcoholics decide to get clean, balancing recovery with school, work and extracurricular activities is vital in developing a healthy new life. Just as the program recommends creating a balance between unity, recovery and service, maintaining a healthy balance in life is equally important. In recovery, we can get so entrenched in step-work, finding a sponsor, therapy and mending … [Read more...]
Will the Children of Addicts Become Addicts Themselves?
According to a report released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), approximately 12 percent of children in the United States have at least one parent who has struggled with addiction and dependency in the last year. Growing up in a household with an adult who is addicted to drugs or alcohol can potentially influence the behaviors of children. While growing … [Read more...]
Marijuana Edibles: How’s it Different From Smoking?
Marijuana is one of the most commonly abused substances among young adults in the United States. With the recent legalization of marijuana in some states, the accessibility of the drug has made it easier than ever before to obtain and abuse. While marijuana has been previously available in an edible form, legalization has allowed the drug to be packaged and marketed in ways that make it more … [Read more...]
Occupational Workshop: Finding the Path To Productivity
Making a living by being a productive member of society is not only expected, it’s also necessary to sustain one’s self. Since Sober College clients range from the ages of 17 to 26, many of them have had little, if any, experience in understanding what it means to be “productive.” At Sober College, clients are expected to maintain five core competencies that are geared towards helping them … [Read more...]