Synthetic cannabinoids are designer drugs that are created to mimic the effects of THC found in marijuana. It is often made from herbs, incense, or other leafy materials and then sprayed with liquid chemicals in order to give it psychotropic properties. While it is frequently marketed as incense and labeled “not for human consumption”, the drug has become increasingly popular among young adults … [Read more...]
Learning to Live Clean and Sober
At Sober College, sobriety is one of the Five Core Competencies that shape our drug treatment program. As part of this competency, clients are exposed to the 12 Steps through Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings, active work with a sponsor, and a variety of groups geared towards introducing and teaching a new way of life to our clients. In Living Clean group, clients participate … [Read more...]
Which Came First? Anxiety Disorder or Substance Abuse
A co-occurring disorder, or comorbidity, refers to the occurrence of two or more disorders in one person. This may refer to disorders that happen at the same time or one after another. Regardless of the way in which they present, their presence and interaction between one another can worsen symptoms of both illnesses. Many people who struggle with addiction are diagnosed with one or more … [Read more...]
Is Substance Abuse More Common Among People with ADHD?
According to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance abuse is “inextricably intertwined.” Several studies have found that those with ADHD are five to ten times more likely to become alcoholics as an adult and approximately 25% of adults being treated for substance addiction have ADHD as well. One study suggests that … [Read more...]
Am I an Alcoholic? 5 Signs That You’re Drinking Too Much
Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States. Nearly one in six individuals consumes too much alcohol. With the perceived normalization of regular alcohol consumption, it can be difficult to identify whether or not an individual is struggling with alcoholism. If you find yourself wondering if you have a drinking problem, here are five symptoms to be aware of. You … [Read more...]
Alcohol and Sleep – How are your Sleep Patterns Being Affected?
Sleep is characterized by two different types of activities: slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Sleep begins in the SWS phase, lasting for most of the night, while REM sleep occurs periodically. Although REM is less restful than SWS, it is essential to good health. Sleep is an active process, involving interactions and exchanges of chemical messages to orchestrate sleep … [Read more...]
From Holiday Jitters to Joy
As the holidays near, many families face a growing sense of apprehension. Although the holidays are meant to be happy, the reality is that this time of year is often stressful, thanks to financial concerns, travel, family dynamics and more. And for those struggling with addiction, the holidays present a slew of other concerns and problems for both the addict and his/her family. During this … [Read more...]
Music Therapy – Finding the Notes to Sobriety
Music is universally one of the most impactful influences in people’s lives. It influences emotions and moods and allows individuals to express themselves in a way that cannot be translated otherwise. Many reference the power of music and its influence in their daily lives and scientific evidence is beginning to support these claims. Music transcends gender, race, ethnicity and age and is … [Read more...]
Finding Grace and Hope Through Operation Gratitude
Sometimes – especially when things are going well – it’s easy to forget how fortunate we are. Throughout recovery, staying humble and grounded is vital to remaining sober. Hubris and overconfidence have taken many people out of the program. When we begin to feel an excessive amount of pride, we tend to throw caution to the wind. In honor of Veteran’s Day, Sober College clients were given the … [Read more...]