There are a variety of factors that can influence the development of mental health disorders. In exploring what promotes the development of psychiatric symptoms, European researchers have found that high media use, low physical activity and reduced sleep can influence the development of depression and other mental health disorders in adolescents. Adolescents that fall into this group make up an … [Read more...]
Psychology of Smoking: Why Women Experience Greater Difficulty in Quitting
Quitting smoking can be a difficult feat for anyone to overcome. In more recent years, researchers have begun to explore the psychology of smoking focusing, in particular, on the differences in men and women. Dr. Sherry McKee, a researcher exploring gender differences in smoking, has found women typically experience greater difficulty in quitting smoking due to a number of factors. Dr. McKee … [Read more...]
The Risks with Mixing Energy Drinks & Alcohol
Mixing energy drinks and alcohol has gained in popularity, but recent studies show that the mixture can cause more harm than drinking alcohol alone. The study, published in the current issue of Journal of Adolescent Health, revealed that college students who mixed energy drinks and alcohol tended to drink more heavily and become more intoxicated. The mixture increases the likelihood of … [Read more...]
Smoking While Pregnant Increases Likelihood of Nicotine Dependence in Daughters
Countless studies have shown the negative impacts of alcohol, drugs and other substances during pregnancy. The use of tobacco during pregnancy can cause a number of negative effects as well, such as low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome. Despite this, it is estimated that 13 – 30 percent of women smoke while pregnant despite the negative impact it can have. Prenatal exposure to … [Read more...]
Brain Abnormalities Linked to Impaired Self-Awareness in Cocaine Addiction
Despite popularly held beliefs that addiction is fueled by denial, lying and carelessness, new research indicates that long-term cocaine abuse can cause deficits in parts of the brain that monitor self-awareness. Research allowed investigators to visually see abnormalities in the part of the brain that controls many functions, including the ability to recognize and respond to mistakes. Researchers … [Read more...]
44% of Parents Worry E-Cigarettes Will Lead to Smoking Tobacco
E-cigarettes have grown in popularity especially among adolescents and teenagers. The battery-operated devices look like cigarettes but do not burn tobacco. Instead, they use replaceable cartridges with flavors and liquid that contains nicotine. Many advocate the e-cigarettes are a healthy alternative that help smokers quit, but because they are not regulated by the US Food and Drug … [Read more...]
Recovery & Education: Woodbury University
One of the most important components of Sober College’s treatment program is ensuring that young adults who enter treatment do not lose time while working through the recovery process. We believe in encouraging young adults to continue to succeed and acquire the skills and knowledge they need to become successful, independent, sober individuals. Because of this desire, Sober College has … [Read more...]
Medication Topamax Could Treat Cocaine Addiction
According to a recent study, the drug Topamax (topiramate), used to treat epilepsy and migraine headaches, could also help treat cocaine addiction. Topamax has previously been found to be effective and safe in the treatment of alcohol dependence. The study, conducted by the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia, compared individual responses to … [Read more...]
Rise in E-Cigarette Usage Among Young Adults
E-cigarette usage has skyrocketed in recent years especially among adolescents and teenagers. Officials believe they are causing a new assortment of health risks associated with e-cigarette or "vape" use. Promoted as a healthy alternative to smoking, e-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that deliver nicotine in vaporized form. The battery-operated devices look like cigarettes but do not … [Read more...]