Going to college is a huge milestone for many young adults. Often, it is their first time on their own, without their parents, surrounded by other young adults going through a similar transition. It can simultaneously be the most exciting and overwhelming experience for both parents and their children, especially for those recovering from addiction. Away from the guidance of their parents, … [Read more...]
The Real Truth About Drinking Alcohol for Health Benefits
Alcohol is one of the most widely consumed substances in the United States. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has found that nearly 70 percent of individuals over the age of 18 have had at least one alcoholic beverage within the last year, with a reported 56 percent having consumed alcohol within the past month. It is well known that overconsumption of alcohol has … [Read more...]
How Can Seasonal Affective Disorder Affect Drug Addicts?
With the shifting seasons, the days become darker earlier and the weather get colder. The cooler weather that comes with fall and winter months can be hard for many people, since it limits many of the activities they enjoy. Long, dark days can be hard to endure. For some, this shift in weather can bring with it negative emotions and symptoms. This condition is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder … [Read more...]
What are the Effects of Ecstasy Addiction?
Ecstasy is a popular synthetic drug that shares properties with both stimulants and hallucinogens. Most commonly known as MDMA or “Molly,” ecstasy has a number of street names including Scooby Snacks, Vitamin E, Vitamin X, Adam, Happy Pill, E, and XTC. The drug also has a number of slang terms used its use including thizzing, rolling, raving, and flipping. Ecstasy is typically taken orally as a … [Read more...]
What Could the Rise in 3D Printing Mean for Drug Addicts?
The revolutionary 3D printer is changing countless industries. Working from a virtual design, a 3D printer is capable of creating nearly any object you want by using a 3D modeling program or a 3D scanner. While not all 3D printers use the same technology, many of them work by “slicing” a model into hundreds or thousands of horizontal layers and creating the object by blending each layer together … [Read more...]
Counting Sheep: Alternative Methods to Cure Insomnia
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects countless people in the United States. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of the people in the United States (48 percent) experience insomnia at least once in their lives and approximately 22 percent of people live with chronic insomnia. Insomnia can last from a few days to a few weeks in acute cases, and can last months or years … [Read more...]
Is Craft Beer Contributing to a Rise in Alcoholism?
Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States. As a legal controlled substance, alcohol is easier to obtain than any other illicit depressant. While alcohol is commonly used in many social settings, not everyone who consumes alcohol struggles with alcohol abuse or alcoholism. When alcohol begins to negatively impact a person's life and relationships, it is more likely … [Read more...]
Blebb: A New Treatment for Methamphetamine Addiction
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 1.2 million, which .4 percent of the U.S. population, reported using methamphetamine and 440,000 people reported using meth within the month of being polled. Meth is cheap and can be made at home which allows the spread of it to be very easy and affect rural and middle-class areas. Also, methamphetamine accounted for 103,000 … [Read more...]
Do Alcohol and Memory Loss Go Hand-in-Hand?
Alcohol consumption can produce a large number of side effects including blurred vision, slurred speech and loss of coordination. It is also known to cause impaired memory which may occur as a result of a blackout. All of these side effects typically present within one or two drinks and will fade when drinking stops; however, long-term alcohol abuse can produce side effects that persist long … [Read more...]