When faced with difficulty, many people in treatment find themselves holding on too tightly to the things that seem to be bringing them the most comfort; however, in all actuality, all they are doing is holding themselves back from the great possibilities that may lie ahead. Often times, fear can have such a paralyzing effect that it prevents us from moving forward – from trying new things and … [Read more...]
Warning Signs: How To Spot Alcoholism Symptoms
As a legal substance, alcohol is one of the most easily accessible and abused substances among young adults. Although it is frequently used in social settings and available in many venues, it is important to recognize when casual use becomes dependency. Alcoholism is often hidden in plain sight. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of alcoholism is critical in addressing the needs of a loved one. … [Read more...]
What Does Your Teen Think about Marijuana?
As of today, 23 U.S. states and Washington D.C. have enacted laws legalizing medical marijuana, according to procon.org. Washington and Colorado have gone so far as to legalize the drug for recreational use. This is changing the way most teens think about the topic of smoking weed. Nowadays, teens tend to think of marijuana as a safe drug, in comparison to hard-core drugs like crystal meth, … [Read more...]
Top 10 Advantages of Long Term Drug Rehab
The number of options for drug and alcohol rehab can be overwhelming for addicts, their friends and families. And, while there are a number of treatment options available, long-term drug rehab facilities offer an abundance of benefits that cannot be provided with alternative treatment methods. Methods such as going “cold turkey” provide no real physical or psychological support and can be an … [Read more...]
The Road to Recovery from addiction
Do you have a friend or family member who has a problem with drugs or alcohol? It’s time to follow this road to recovery. 1. Discovery Drugs and alcohol are affecting work or school performance Relationships with family and friends are strained They are in trouble with the law Many who struggle with alcohol or drug addiction are in a denial that a problem exists and may be unable or … [Read more...]
Are One Direction on the Justin Bieber & Miley Cyrus road to drug use?
Celebrity flings, alleged infidelities, twitter fights and now narcotics; are One Direction on the brink of becoming a sleazy rock ‘n’ roll band? In May, One Direction hit the headlines when two members, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson, were filmed allegedly smoking marijuana in the back of a car on the Latin America leg of their world tour. While possession of a small amount of marijuana is not … [Read more...]
Alcohol Abuse and College Students
Alcohol abuse is a growing problem among young adults, especially in college environments. Underage drinking and binge drinking are prevalent on college campuses and many young adults are impacted by the effects of excessive drinking, whether or not they actively engage in it. The negative consequences that arise from excessive drinking impact not only the consumers of alcohol but those around … [Read more...]
Substance Abuse at School Tied to Higher Risk of Depression
As substance abuse increases in adolescents and young adults, the places where drugs and alcohol are used could indicate more dramatic problems. According to a recent study, teens caught using drugs and alcohol at school are exhibiting signs of a cry for much needed help. Students that abuse substances in these settings are found to be at increased odds of depression, intimate partner violence … [Read more...]
Using Alcohol and Marijuana Together Increases Risk of Unsafe Driving
Marijuana and alcohol are two of the most commonly abused substances among young adults. When used together, the consequences of abuse can be more detrimental. According to a recent study published in the May issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, teens who use marijuana and alcohol together are at an increased risk to drive while under the influence. Teens that use these two … [Read more...]